Tune In Saturdays: Plants and Animals

PlantsandanimalsAnother in a pretty much constant stream of Canadian talent, trio Plants and Animals brings an ambitious, folksy-ish, but malleable record with Parc Avenue. At times southern rocky, and at others classic rock & Fleetwood Mac-y, the album has one unexpected gem after another.

From Pitchfork:

"They offer up explosive, Polyphonic Spree-sized choir choruses, 1970s AM radio guitars, cozy folk balladry, and rambling stoner boogie-often in the course of one song-- and switch between them with little warning. Many of their songs clock in at over five minutes long, but that's all the better for them to pick up steam, stylistically mutate, or expand."

Plants and Animals - Good Friend (mp3)
Plants and Animals - Bye Bye Bye (video)