As Heard in the World Wide Tubes.

Russell Davies and the Algorithm

Who knew the big RD was a closet stat guy? I couldn't agree more. While I think we're moving towards creating behavioral shifts through action, not simply communication - the basics of advertising, the stuff still valuable in terms of reach and frequency - will be a much more scientific endeavor.

"The spoils will go to he or she who accumulates the most data from their users and whose mathematicians can devise the most subtle and cunning algorithms for recommendation. It's a battle about maths. And as more marketing and services become about the management and analysis of masses of consumer and media data we're only going to see more of these kinds of contests. It's always seemed inevitable to me that media planning and buying will one day go this way. How long can it be before huge planning and buying departments are replaced by a little PC in the corner, tended by a couple of statisticians, grinding through algorithms?"

A behind the scenes peek at the logos not picked to become the badge of the Obama brand. Good thing they picked the one they did.

via adlab - and this is sort of self-explanatory.

Plenty of juicy graphs to steal for your next presentation from the authors of Groundswell.

7. Cocaine, 6. Alcohol, 5. Valium, 4. Heroin, 3. Cigarettes, 2. Potato Chips, 1. Love. Who knew? 

The perils of Facebook for the young and accomplished Jon Favreau.
A pretty cool mini-doc of Camp Organic, the somewhat self-indulgent boot camp from the boys and girls at the biggest little digital shop. (The vid below is from a couple years ago, though. Apparently this years wasn't good enough to offer an embed on YouTube. Caution - respect declining quickly...)

Only a few days left til Christmas. If you're still struggling, let Darryland the Plaid Nation lead the way.

CMO: Holy shit,this viral thing is gonna be huge!
Staffer: Yeah, Domino's did one not too long ago.
CMO: What the fuck? You idiot! Where is our viral? Give me viral, damnit!
Staffer: But...
CMO: Now!

And Pizza Hut demeans us all with this horribly unfunny, off-brand, waste of time. (Side note: why not tag this pizza hut, as if no one knew that thiis was paid? Seriously, I tried searching for Pizza Hut and YouTube and couldn't find it.


And for the "But they got 200k views!!" crowd. This has more (and is awesome).