Tune In Saturdays: Slider Pines

SliderpinesFurther proof that Texas may actually be the rock promise land prophesied by Lift to Experience, with one of my newest favorites, Dallas' Slider Pines. With a sound somewhat Americana, a little bit Deathcab and the Shins and at times reminiscent of early Foo Fighters, they've released their newest EP. I've got no idea what it's called, but it's damn good and free. So eat that.

From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram:

"Slider Pines sets the bar awfully high on the group’s masterful debut, Road Avenue Railroad. The Dallas trio, led by the garrulous, gritty vocalist/guitarist Joey Shanks, has a rootsy, engaging sound, bridging the gap between the straight-ahead Americana of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers (glimpsed on The Memphis Hack) and the incisive indie navel-gazing of the Shins (evident on the album’s best song, The Missing Street Sign). This is the album you want blaring from your car’s stereo as you roar down the open highway into a world of unknown possibilities. One of the year’s finest local offerings."


Slider Pines - The Pinch (mp3)

Slider Pines - Pulling Teeth (mp3)

Free Download of the Entire EP