Build Me One of them Dinosaurs!

I absolutely love this video taken at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History. It so easily shows a reason why advertising budgets are crumbling or shifting, or whatever you'd like to call it. Setting aside what budget was earmarked for what part, just compare this animatronic dinosaur to running a spot about something closer to what you'd expect a natural history museum to be. Clearly the longer term affect to your bottom line business is provided by the dinosaur. And after you see the tons of videos being shared across the web, do you go to your ad agency and scream "Buy me some space on YouTube!" or do you go back to the animatronics company and say "Build me some more of them dinosaurs!"?

[vimeo w=400&h=267]
Extinct, my ASS! from The Original Joe Fisher on Vimeo.

And yes, I understand that those are two very different functions, but obviously dollars will continue to shift from messaging to things that tend to increase the intrinsic marketing value of the product or product experience. Tough for ad agencies to keep making money the way we do today, but sure sounds more fun to build a dinasour than to make an ad about a built dinasour, and for the customer, the reverse is true as well.

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