Your Next CNN Story

Again, YouTube brings you a friggin' fabulous piece of citizen journalism, and Digg beats the big boys to the punch. Watch this amazing video of a guy getting tasered by police at a John Kerry speech. You'd think it'd be some sort of Hannity disciple, but it's actually someone I can really relate, too. He's pissed at the democrats for being a bunch of whiny babies rather than standing up for the people who elected them.

Alrighty, sorry for that swerve off the tracks. But here it is. Citizen journalism in your face. Or wait for the CNN story most likely coming in a couple hours...

And, not to be outdone, the MSM showed up quick with a new angle in what seems to be the very first YouTube video ever posted by the Gainesville Sun, at least according to their YT page. Really incredible stuff (and I think definitely real TT). I counted 4 other CJ's filming in this video, so expect to see more angles soon. You can read the article here. And please note that the Gainseville Sun also has comments on the story, so it's getting better and better as the night progresses. Kudos.