Chantix Advertises at the Emmys

I guess the Emmys is as good of a time as any to launch a new ad campaign for Pfizer drug "Chantix." If you're a regular reader, you know about the death in Dallas rumored to be caused by the anti-smoking drug. So, with only preliminary testing done and obvious quirks (likChantixmicrositee horrifying murderous dreams and suicidal tendencies) left to be worked out, why not plow full-steam ahead with the McCann Humancare created $75 million campaign.

Looks as though McCann at least did us a favor by sending out its B-team on this one. The ad basically encouraged viewers to go to where there would be some announcement on September 24. I really hate that pompous bullshit. Oh my god! Drop everything! It's coming September 24! I can feel the excitement! So fucking stupid. And no, nowhere on the site does it actually say Chantix, only that it's a pfizer anti-smoking drug.

This conclusion to the post is coming....

Wait for it...

It's coming!!!

Okay, first rule, don't build up excitement for things people don't give a shit about. It's a fucked up brain that thinks drugs should be treated the same as entertainment, as if it's okay to market this in the same league as X-Men or a fucking IPod.

Second rule, grow a bag of pride in yourself and don't shill for these people. There are skeletons in the closet of just about any ad agency, but I don't really see the difference between working on Chantix at McCann, or working on Marlboro at Burnett. Sometimes you should probably cry yourself to sleep at night knowing that the better you do in your job, the more people die. I'd continue that rant, but I feel a bit of restless leg syndrome coming on.

Third, don't make your website look like shit. And don't advertise on the Emmys if you obviously don't have the bandwith to handle that kind of traffic (yeah, the 60 second wait to get on was awesome).

Anyway, that's all.