Absolute Bullshit Crap.

Abclogo1Really ABC? This is what makes for prime-time television these days? A crap knock-off of candid camera,  except less funny and with no host? At least they didn't forget the annoying canned laughter.

Good thing those advertising rates are still going up. Fucking hell. First commercials become television shows, and now dumbass youtube bits warrant an hour of ABC's Tuesday night. Can you smell the desperation?

Why not put Ask a Ninja, or Rocketboom, or ZeFrank, or whoever on your network? These shows are popping up all over the place, all with working formulas. Yet you waste our time with bullshit drivel like "Just for Laughs." Ugh...I hate you. Until Lost comes back on. Then I'll begrudgingly accept you again.

That's what I get for turning on the teevee. Back to blogging, thanks...