The AOC: Your Favorite Chapters

AocSo, I'm writing a new book called "The Age of Manipulation: The Religion of Intelligence and Societal Control through Conversation." It'll be a sweet follow up to the book you're probably already tired of hearing about, The Age of Conversation, which is out today. Go buy it here. For old people, we have hardbacks, for the youngin's, we've got the ebook. And for people who just can't commit, there's even a soft-cover, too.

Go do it!

Also, come over this way, report back your favorite chapters and why. Best response gets a free hardback. If you already have a hardback, you can give it to your best friend. If you don't have any friends, you can at least feel good that your response got some extra money donated to charity.

Need responses by August 15. Do it!