A Conversation about Google Contextual Ads...

GmailbreakupThe other day I got into a Gmail conversation with a friend of mine about the wonder of Google's contextual ads within their email platform. It gave me a giggle when I saw it again, and I'm busy as shit, so I thought I'd post this until I can get to my response to Drew and Lew.

JB: omg.  have you ever noticed that gmail spies on your conversation and then gives you links along the right side of the screen?  or do you not get google ads either.  it's being suggested to me that i check out some insane clown posse ringtones.  Homies ICP.  ha.

PM: you didn't know that? Yeah, they search all your shit.

JB: ok, now all the links went away.  what did you do to them?  the other day bryce and i tried to see what subject would produce the least website suggestions, turns out google doesn't like to search for Rosa Parks.  we got links for Lost, Ashlee Simpson, Tyra Banks, and spiderman, but no Rosa Parks.  google is shallow.

PM: I'm getting clown posse ringtones, duck call ringtones, how to get free satellite, and BioBag Dog Waste Bags. Google thinks I'm poor white trash.

JB: this is the most interesting so far:
The Mosquito Ringtone
Get The Ringtone That Adults Can't Hear Plus 10 Bonus Ringtones Today!

how is that possible?  i'm going to investigate this mosquito ringtone.

PM: Dude, that shit's awesome. It's like a dog whistle. People over 27 or something supposedly can't hear it. Kids are using it to text message during class, but some guy first made it to keep kids from hanging out in front of his store.

JB: shut up.  that's impossible.

PM: Eat that shit.

JB: whatever.  that's stupid.

PM: you're stupid.

and scene....