Tune In Saturdays: M. Ward

MwardM. Ward's Post-War is a record that took me a long time to buy. It repeatedly showed up on ITunes in the little "Listeners Also Bought" section, alerting me that I would probably like the album. But, every time I listened to a 30 second clip, it just felt like something I shouldn't like. It's music that should be too popular to fit my snobbish music tastes.

But, damnit, I'm getting old now, and my wall of snobbery crumbled quick. It's just full of too many gems, like a folky Coldplay, back before Apple popped out, and Coldplay started sucking.  Essentially, M. Ward sounds like hipster Texas country from Portland. And, that's basically what it is.

MySpace, Home, and today, there's a double dip, an mp3 of To Go Home, and the video from Chinese Translation.

M. Ward - To Go Home