The Long Awaited Jaffe Interview

Jaffe_1*Holy shit! I finally got it working!*

Move over Adam Curry. The greatest podcaster in the history of forever is in town. Well, fuck, at least I'm probably not the worst. You can give me that, right?

Believe me, it does sound like my first real go at podcasting, but luckily and thankfully, I landed a ringer, and Joseph Jaffe was there to pick up the significant slack.

If you stick it out to the end, you'll get to hear the epitome of my master interviewing skills, while I obviously get caught thinking about the next question, rather than listening to the answer to the last question. Yes, that's skillz with a z.

Anyway, this is in the hallway of the Chaos 2006 conference in Austin, Texas.  Hope you guys enjoy...

Click Here To Listen.

Text version to come at the Madison Avenue Journal.

And, the Jaffe essentials.

Chief of made-up titles Interrupter: Crayon, Life After the 30 Second Spot, Jaffe Juice, Across the Sound - The New Marketing Podcast.  Soak 'em all in,  and send me a thank you card. Photo by Bryan Pearson.