Marketing: Where Does the Me Stop, and the We Begin?

It's unfortunate that marketing has displaced reality.  It's official.  I am embarrassed to be a part of this dirty industry.  Actually, I'm disgusted that there are so many corrupt pieces of shit in an industry that could be used to do so much good.

We hold in our hands magnificently powerful tools, and unfortunately, it can be used to prey on the weakest parts of human nature, our insecurities, body images, fear.  Our laziness, hopefulness and trust.  We have been exploited.


Our public discourse has been hijacked, partly with the use these tools, by crooked, scared, selfish politicians, more concerned with staying on top than standing for good.  The fashion industry has fed our irrational desires for perfection. The notion of human equality is dealt blow after blow from campaigns built on fear of differences. Obesity rates are skyrocketing as our children are fed another comfort food or drink while marketers hide behind a pointed finger at parental responsibility.  We slip further into debt as a silly need to be a part of the group is manipulated. 


It's true that blame lies equally in personal and parental responsibility, but that obligation does not absolve us of the corporate lust for money, at the greater cost of human decency.

Until we pick today to stand up for the good we can do, the power we have to empower, then we have only ourselves to blame.  We have a burden to not accept the excuses and finger pointing, and purge and shun those with only one aim, to selfishly gain.


What legacy will you leave?  Will you make us better, and our children stronger?

Get mad, and do something about it.