You're Probably Too Poor To Know What Google Is.

"We don't advertise on the internet because our customers are not internet users."

Doesn't that statement seem utterly ridiculous?  It should, but there are STILL companies out there saying that very thing, as if their customers somehow escaped the 75% of the nation that are now internet-connected.  But that's not really my point.

The point is that it's a missed opportunity, not at reaching a mass of consumers, but talking to a few of them.

So, maybe you're not selling IPods, and you might be right that your particular product skews a little poorer, or a little older, or a little less of the traditional mindset of the internet user, but you just missed a chance to open a dialogue with those that are, and may have the biggest influence over your audience, anyway.

The net isn't about getting the most ears and eyes, so who really gives a shit if ALL your customers aren't there.  ALL your customers aren't anywhere  Accept it.  But if you're company has fans, and let's hope it does, give them an avenue to get to know you better.  It's a terrible oversight to not talk when you have customers ready to have a conversation with you.