The Fix is In 2

Salt(2) Lack of Meaningful Partnership

Ad agencies are now largely message factories, rather than absolute partners.

This relationship is really just an extension of old-school, silo’d thinking, and part of a “not my job” mentality that consumes narrow-minded managers.  Marketing is not only messaging, and advertising agencies who see traditional executions as their primary responsibility will be part of the slew that will fail, have failed, or are in the process of failing.

The Fix:

Agencies will become full partners, examining all the characteristics that move consumers. Yes, messaging will still be a part of the job, but the traditional definition of messaging will fade away.

Messaging will become literal. No longer will it be just the advertisements we have placed, but all the things our clients communicate, in any form or fashion.  That means customer service, operational issues, all the way down to the number of plies on the toilet paper. We will be image auditors, ensuring a consistent, fulfilling customer experience at all levels, encounters and interactions.

Now more than ever, advertising is about ensuring a remarkable product experience, and making those experiences relatable, not differentiation through mass marketing of homogeneous crap.

photo by R80o via flickr.