Desperation or Revolution.

TvThe results are in.  Last week was officially the worst week the broadcast networks have ever had.

(I'll pause for Jaffe to let out a quick woot and an I told you so)

So, what does this mean for us?

Well, nothing we didn't already know.  It's just one more in a long line of omens proving we are marching down the path of the righteous.

Get back to the consumer.  Let them live an authentic experience.  Treat them as humans, and individuals.  Talk with them, and don't insult their intelligence.

Don't shout, just be there when they need you, and become a good listener. 

If you want to say something, make sure you have something to say.  Then say what you mean, and follow through.  If you want them to be there for you, be there for them, long term. 

Does the waning influence of television necessarily equal the newly empowered consumer?  Well, no. 

But it does mean we are faced with two clear choices...

Desperation or Revolution.  How about we have a little revolution...