The Process of Elimination

You can usually tell when a company's been around for awhile.  Look around at layer after layer of processes, implemented to improve business efficiencies.  Generally, the older the company, the thicker the process.  And the more they're drowning in them.

The problem is, when the process trumps change, you can quickly find yourself old and behind the times, getting smacked around by a bunch of start-ups, beholden to nothing and no one.  The processes that were put in place to make the work better, and our working lives easier, ultimately become stifling, especially when allowed to exist without question.

But the leaders many times are the architects, and have the most to lose from their destruction.  So, what then?  Is the process the most important, or is the evolution/revolution of the final product?

So, I ask this of you management types - Force your employees to question you.  Find time to throw out the process altogether, and challenge your employees to do better.  Make them fight for their ideas ferociously, and give them the room to implement and improve on them.

Making the most badass product will always be more important than those extra few minutes it takes to get there.