Branding Good Works

WeddingI took off from work a few hours early today to knock out the tedius bullshit of tracking down a birth certificate, and using that to secure my new passport. A few minutes after jumping in line, a couple younger girls followed up behind me. One of them asked, "You getting married?" I sort of swiveled my head left and right, searching for the partner to whom I'd been betrothed. Thankfully, she doesn't exist.

"Umm, no. Getting my passport. I guess that means you are."

"Uh huh."

Couple minutes go by before I ask, "How old are you?"


Generally, I'd just bite my tongue, crank the Ipod a couple notches, and go about the business of answering emails. But, for whatever reason, I went on a fact-finding mission, instead. Didn't take much to unearth her huge mistake. He's 26, in jail for drugs, and will be there for the first 4 years of their marriage. He has two children, of two mothers. A real winner.

She wants to go to college, and become a lawyer.

But, she won't. Instead, she'll go from high schooler to mom overnight. Not so easy, especially with an absent father with no job to make money. And, when's his sentence is over, he'll be 30 and almost unemployeeable.

In 2007, we'll spend somewhere in the neighborhood of 275 billion dollars in advertising. But, how much will we spend to improve this stupid kid's path? Probably nothing. Sure, she'll see plenty of ads for crap she doesn't need, and for cars she can't afford. Regardless, that's a lot of money spent, mostly in a desperate attempt to raise a stock price just a little bit.

Maybe it's time, as advertising becomes less relevant, that we spend that money branding the good deeds we do. Maybe her college education is a little more important than that fourth or fifth prime-time television spot. It probably won't have the reach, but at least she may repay you with her attention.

Maybe one thing doesn't lead to the other, but it is something we should consider. We've got a lot of very big megaphones.

And the blog goes to....

Hug_1With the comment, "How 'bout now?" at 10:41pm on February 20, the Masi Guy himself, Timothy Andrew Jackson became the one thousandth commenter on little old hee haw. And, although his middle name is probably not actually Andrew, I will be handing him the keys to the haw with faith that he will make good of it. He's cool like that.

So, Tim, it's all yours, my friend. Do with it as you wish.

To every one of you who has commented over the past 7 or 8 months, I send much, much love.

And, here's a special wink to the first 5 commenters, without whom, I probably would have given this thing up a long time ago. You guys fucking rock lots.

1. Noah Kagan of OkDork, who has one of the friendliest blogs in the blogosphere (and needs a home).
2. Mack Collier (also known as Frank Burns) of the Viral Garden, the community guru from Alabama, who gets a special thanks for helping connect me with the BMA.
3. Ann Handley of Marketing Profs Daily Fix, a brilliant writer and someone I don't keep up with enough.
4. David Armano of Logic + Emotion, one of the most complete thinkers I've ever read, and someone who graciously allowed me to steal a graphic this week.
5. Karl Long of Experience Curve, who seems to be taking Nokia by storm.

But, seriously, all of you, first five or not, you guys are what makes the blog go. And, without CK, Gavin, Cam, Lewis, Sean, Vaspers, RogerJaynie, Drew, Katie, Lori, Matt, Clay, Ben, Scott, Marcus, Mario, JC and Brian, the whole thing just wouldn't be much fun. And, damnit, I really hope I didn't forget any regular commenters. Cause then I would feel like a huge asshole.

The Most Popular Dallas Marketing Podcast in the World is Back!

DmzThat's right people, it's back. The DMZ, and this time the injured list is clear, and we've got the full squad.  Thank god the Copyblogger will be rejoining.  We had significantly less groupies this week after missing our token celebrity, Brian Clark.

When? Tuesday, Jan. 16, 8pm CST
Where? Blog Talk Radio, Call (646) 915.8556
Huh? In this episode, it's all about the meme. We'll be discussing Michael Wagner's thin slice meme, as uber-daddy, Cam Beck wrote about here.
Why? Because we're cool like that.

And, just to fulfill my attention whoriness, if you dug the whole Kohl's thing, go here and digg it for realz.  And with that, I promise to stop replacing s's with z's, droppin' yo's, homey's, peeps, and yo homey's, because I've got to be more professional (and shit).