And the blog goes to....

Hug_1With the comment, "How 'bout now?" at 10:41pm on February 20, the Masi Guy himself, Timothy Andrew Jackson became the one thousandth commenter on little old hee haw. And, although his middle name is probably not actually Andrew, I will be handing him the keys to the haw with faith that he will make good of it. He's cool like that.

So, Tim, it's all yours, my friend. Do with it as you wish.

To every one of you who has commented over the past 7 or 8 months, I send much, much love.

And, here's a special wink to the first 5 commenters, without whom, I probably would have given this thing up a long time ago. You guys fucking rock lots.

1. Noah Kagan of OkDork, who has one of the friendliest blogs in the blogosphere (and needs a home).
2. Mack Collier (also known as Frank Burns) of the Viral Garden, the community guru from Alabama, who gets a special thanks for helping connect me with the BMA.
3. Ann Handley of Marketing Profs Daily Fix, a brilliant writer and someone I don't keep up with enough.
4. David Armano of Logic + Emotion, one of the most complete thinkers I've ever read, and someone who graciously allowed me to steal a graphic this week.
5. Karl Long of Experience Curve, who seems to be taking Nokia by storm.

But, seriously, all of you, first five or not, you guys are what makes the blog go. And, without CK, Gavin, Cam, Lewis, Sean, Vaspers, RogerJaynie, Drew, Katie, Lori, Matt, Clay, Ben, Scott, Marcus, Mario, JC and Brian, the whole thing just wouldn't be much fun. And, damnit, I really hope I didn't forget any regular commenters. Cause then I would feel like a huge asshole.