Top Secret Dance-Off

MMO gaming meets Ning in this absolutely cool dance face-off from Jane McGonigal called Top Secret Dance-off. From Ana Domb:

"People participate by completing Dance-offs and Dance Quests, which areregularly released by McGonigal's TSDO alter ego, Punky McMonsef. These missions are intertwined with other mysteries that need to be deciphered. If successful the players will receive real "loot" in the mail. As the players work their way through the different missions, they unveil layers of the game's mythology."

It's just another symbol of what could be with little more than creativity and a few smart people. It's got the charm of "free hugs" combined with the "everybody wins" mentality of an elementary school field day.

And before you smirk, check out the video introduction and last quest video below. You may just start dancing. (for feed readers - here's the intro video and the 3rd quest video)

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Find more videos like this on Top Secret Dance Off

Inside Afghanistan

Many of you may remember the post about VBS's Vice Guide to North Korea, a fascinating look behind the total insanity of the no longer terrorist "democratic" country. Now they're back with an absolutely fascinating look into the war in Afghanistan with special guest, BBC reporter Ben Anderson. Suffice it to say, I'm not feeling all that hopeful for the future after watching members of the Afghan National Army get stoned on opium and waste ammunition on the air. 

Anyway, very interesting stuff for those of you that haven't been completely consumed by the economic crisis. And spend some time poking around the rest of the site. Spike Jones is the creative director over there, which should give you some idea of the quality of content.