Twist Image is Growing

First, I should mention a very fond farewell to Sean Howard, my previous boss and the guy who paved the way for me to take on his old role, quite frankly. He’s moved along to other endeavors, but his contribution to the company was massive and will be felt for a long time to come.

But the real reason for this – the cat is officially out of the bag. With a very unscientific assessment, I think it’s safe to say Twist is one of the fastest growing digital marketing agencies in North America. And our little strategy team is growing right along with it.

For now, we’re hiring two more – and we’ll likely be following this up with others not too long after. But one thing about being here, even with the near doubling of staff in the 10 months since I joined, we’re more likely to absorb the work than hire sub-par just for the sake of hiring. So –  we won't be settling, we're looking for the best. We don’t care where you work now, the only thing that matters is what you’re capable of accomplishing and where you want to go. We don’t need attitudes. No professional douchebags. Just passionate people with a curiosity about the way the world works and an intent to make the work better.

Check out the job descriptions below. If either sounds like it could be you, shoot me an email at and let’s see if there’s a fit.

Senior Strategist

Strategist, Research & Analytics