Even Later

Bridging the Gap Between our Online and Offline Networks


Interesting presentation from Google UX pro Paul Adams. We don't have one set of friends even though most of our online networks are designed in that fashion.

The Golden Age of Middle Eastern Westerns
The Persian Dubs of these 70's westerns were both commentary and a form of localization that often changed the story along the way.

The Moral Life of Babies
"The mental life of young humans not only is an interesting topic in its own right; it also raises — and can help answer — fundamental questions of philosophy and psychology, including how biological evolution and cultural experience conspire to shape human nature."

The Social Rationality of Footballers
A study of penalty kicks that indicated that footballers often choose a less effective strategy in order to lose more honorably.

Moo-ing in different languages

Summize and Fixing Twitter
Probably an approach we should be taking more often when solving our own problems...
"I remember asking Greg during the Summize due diligence what his plan was for stabilizing Twitter. He answered that there was no magic bullet. He said they weren't going to do one big thing, they were going to do lots of small things. The first thing they did was instrument the hell out of the system, they started measuring everything and finding the bottlenecks, and then they started knocking them down one by one."