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Moo'd Cards

Awesome idea for a discovery device using Moo cards. Free download.

SleeveFace Photography



“Cock your hat - angles are attitudes.” Frank Sinatra
"It's a lot easier to be repeatedly useful than it is to be repeatedly funny or sexy" Rory Sutherland

People who photograph their food

"In 1825, the French philosopher and gourmand Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” Today, people are showing the world what they eat by photographing every meal, revealing themselves perhaps more vividly than they might by merely reciting the names of appetizers and entrees."

The Original Cadbury Gorilla finally makes it back to YouTube

After many moons of only having access to the remixes, the original reappears. Good for another giggle.


Making Ford a Model for the Future

"There are many reasons Ford has achieved such an extraordinary turnaround since Alan Mulally took over as CEO in 2006. After observing him in action, talking with him and spending time with his senior team, I'm convinced Mulally is taking an old-school industrial company and turning it into a model of how a modern company ought to be run."

Monkeys choose variety for variety's sake

"Pretty basic, apparently. The behavior of the capuchins, which are native to South America, "suggest that there's some inherent basic strategy for variety," Ariely said. In the wild, variety seeking may help ensure a nutritionally varied diet. It is also possible, the authors suggest, that variety-seeking contributed to the rise of bartering and then abstract money in human society."

Subscription models are awesome

Panties By Post and Manpacks. Very smart.