More Stuff from Other Places

Ad Avoidance Trivia

Ilya gives a fantastic rundown of the different ways we've tried to avoid ads.


Mobile web may be big. I dunno. Just guessing.

Some nice stats from the Opera browser. Combine that with data usage on the AT&T network. Get ready for some growing pains, peeps.

The New Era of the Network Service

"So-called “network services” like Facebook...and Twitter will soon dominate the web, rather than “information services” like Google and Yahoo."

Sean Parker's Web 2.0 Summit Presentation

The personality paradox

Jonah Lehrer points out the basics of the fundamental attribution error, which I think has lots of interesting insights into how branding works. We don't tend to think of personality traits like aggressive, courageous, generous, whatever - to be an issue of context. But of course, perception and reality don't always match. Also seems to jive with what the economist called the "halo effect," or the assumption that if someone is good at A, she'll also be good at b, c, and d.

Is Mexican Coca-Cola better?

"The company principally imports the Mexican version to appeal to immigrants who grew up with it and draw nostalgia from the packaging they remember. Online you’ll find Mexican Coke cultists offering tips about tracking down grocers who serve a primarily Latino clientele. Surely this is part of the fun — nobody wants to be a snob on behalf of a product that’s easy to obtain."

The History of Hacking meets the History of Social Media

Last but not least...

Bogusky gets out of the Ad Business

"Unless you’ve been living under a copy of Ogilvy on Advertising lately you’ve noticed with a combination of curiosity, and perhaps dread, that every day what we do becomes more like the movie and television business. For some of you the lines may have blurred between what you do and the publishing business. And if you are on the cutting edge you find yourself spending time harnessing games, industrial design, architecture and interactive apps to help build our clients’ businesses.

It’s no coincidence that we find ourselves spending more and more time in these disciplines. These are our sister professions. All of us sharing a common industry. Advertising, movies, music, television, publishing, architecture, industrial design and graphic design."