Another Brisk Stroll through Stuff

Selling Music and the 1% Principle

“He forgot there was a number lower than one percent.”
Reminds me of many stories told when another banner is sold based on direct response metrics alone.

The Other Howard Gossage Quote

“To explain responsibility to advertising men is like trying to convince an eight-year-old that sexual intercourse is more fun than a chocolate ice cream cone.”

Another Economist Mag Didjaknow?


Some "Holy Shit" numbers from TIVO about timeshifting

Not surprisingly, a higher-rated show means more timeshifting which means no one watching your ad. Maybe it's better to kick it on re-runs of Three's a Company. Might only be nine people watching it, but at least they're more likely to actually see your crappy info-ad.

A Brief History of Social Media

From Phone Phreaking in the 1950's to now. Awesome stuff.

Understanding Users of Social Networks

Lots of dudes, checkin' out chicks. Facebook fancy woos the rich, while MySpace rules the hicks. Save your money on banners, cuz, money don't by you clicks. Werd. You heard?

"'To be successful, you need to shift your mindset from social media to social strategy,' he continues. A good social strategy essentially uses the same principles that made online social networks attractive in the first place—by solving social failures in the offline world. Firms should begin to do the same and help people fulfill their social needs online."

Are Your Friends Making You Fat?

"Good health is also a product, in part, of your sheer proximity to other healthy people. By keeping in close, regular contact with other healthy friends for decades, Eileen and Joseph had quite possibly kept themselves alive and thriving. And by doing precisely the opposite, the lone obese man hadn’t."

The Marshmallow Test and Delayed Gratification

Oh, The Temptation from Steve V on Vimeo.