Phoenix Phandom

First there was the Phoenix Lisztomania official video.

Then there was the much cooler piece of fandulation with the brat pack mashup.

And finally, similar to a movie remake, here's today's take on the brat pack mashup (called the brooklyn brat pack mashup). Very cool stuff.

It's interesting how these kinds of mashups tend to make for good introductions. For that video, a good amount of views probably just came from Phoenix fans looking to hear more of the music, but all the positive associations with the brat pack allowed new listeners to then shift their interest to the music, as well. Similar to how Roni used this video to transfer interest from a bunch of ad geeks like me.

I would assume the bulk of this mashup stuff isn't necesarily about transferance, but it certainly does seem to have particular implications for brands trying to create higher involvement from a low involvement category.