Around the Web Again.

Engagement Rings by Job Title
Apparently the idea of two-months salary for an engagement ring was an idea invented by Debeers in 1947. Artist Lee Gainer created a series of 20 prints from Lifeguard to A-list Actor.
Retail Experts are Better Placed for the Future
"Despite the 'down and dirty' reputation of retail (come on, admit it, you think retail's easy. It's all reactionary, no thinking, just do what you're ordered week in, week out), I think a background in it makes a planner, or anyone else in agency land for that matter, better placed for the future than most."

Spending Time Online is Essential for Young People
"Mizuko Ito, lead author of the study, says: "we found that spending time online is essential for young people to pick up the social and technical skills they need to be competent citizens in the digital age."

Never Nude Land
Finally a place for me.

Republican Budget Alternative is Laughable
Seriously - they put their budget on a 70-year forecast based on completely made up information. Why am I not surprised.
Paul ryan budget
Digital Media Isn't Mass Media for Cheap

Typographic Posters

Creative Whack Pack Gets iPhoned
The always awesome Roger von Oech brought his famous creativity exercises to the mobile phone...

The Personal Savings Rate from 1957-2007

United States Personal Savings Rates 1959-2007