Life's for Sharing

Here's a pat on the back for Huntington after the brilliantly captured tmobile spot for the Life's for Sharing campaign. Taking a fair bit of inspiration from Improv Everywhere's Frozen Grand Central, this stunt/spot is just about bursting at the seems with pure joy. Love it. Adding to the "of the people" vibe is the hectic 'shoot on Thursday, air on Friday' schedule. Check out the YouTube channel for behind the scenes and teaser video. 

Much applauses. 

There's a certain level of tenseness in this sort of thing, kind of like the Honda skydivers, mostly because of the live feel. By the end of it, you're almost pulling for them to keep it going.

Then there's the music, a build through decades and genres, but lots of universally personal stuff, if that makes sense. Maybe better said, it's rich with association.

It's also a socializing act. From videos like this from random bystanders who happen to cross the shoot, to people who have walked through the same area before, etc. - it's both relatable and personal. The bystanders there sort of act like a proxy for everyone else being in on the joke in a way. 

More than anything, it's just fun to watch.