Esurance and Cool Credits

Just saw this spot for Esurance come across the telly. Although I appreciate the intent to publicize a relatively unknown band, it may be a little obtuse to the importance of the discovery process. The hope, I presume, is that the audience, elated by the new find, dubs Esurance with a cool credit.

It's possible that I'm far too much of a music snob to understand how most people actually find music, but the massification of putting the band name on the screen sort of ruins the bit of joy one (okay, me) feels when coming across a good up and comer.  It lets everyone "in on the joke" and strips away the shareability. 

As Tim Smith said, "Marketers of the future will not be measured by how well they tell stories to their audience, but rather by how well their audience tells stories about them."

So why take away that story? 

If they had just left the name off, it'd still take an act from me to find the name. While that may seem somewhat somewhat frivolous, it's the act of searching that makes the find more fulfilling. Plus, what do I gain by sharing something everyone already knows about?

Anyway - have you guys checked out that Michael Jackson song, Thriller? I mean, wow. Like seriously...