Another Trip Around the Internets

A Giant Beach Ball.

I'm not sure if there is such a thing as something that isn't cool even if you made it really, really big. Except for monsters. That would not be cool. Apparently this happened in Dallas and I fucking missed it.

Gladwell with a few examples from his new book, Outliers, starting with the creative struggle of Fleetwood Mac, and on to the 10,000 hour rule. The rule essentially states that to be an expert at anything you have to do it for 10,000 hours. The crazy thing is, it's actually applicable to just about everybody. Probably more on this later. (ps - make your video embeddable AIGA. Jeez.)

A website from Jack McKee dedicated to the 90-9-1 principle. As in, in a website ecosystem 90% of the audience is passive, 9% are editors (or critics) and 1% are creating original content.

Kickass new iPhone app. Basically, take a picture of any book, dvd, cd - and get pricing and reviews from competitors. Pretty cool. a way only she could. Fantastic.

Creative Director from Frog Design coins the next annoyingly overused term, this time to describe the act of changing spaces to disrupt perceptions of that space, basically. 

The brilliant Richard Huntington challenges the notion that good ideas come from anywhere. Or basically says that they could, just don't bet on it.