Hee-Haw Transition Team

Obama Photo Sets

From the Boston Herald, from two years on the trail, and perhaps my favorite, behind the scenes on election night
Obama mccain msnbc
Religious groups pour millions of dollars into Yes on Prop 8, and on the night we celebrate the breaking down of a barrier, we erect another. More on this later, but it never helps to hide what you're actually trying to sell. Perhaps they shouldn't have buried the lead.

Compare and analyze terms from technorati, google insights, twitter and more from one easy-to-use dashboard.

109 year-old Texan and daughter of a slave casts her vote for the first black President. On a sort of related note, can we stop with using the term African American now? At this point, isn't it just American? They don't call white people British Americans or French Americans, or whatever. Time to move on.

Obama vote daughter

In case you were curious how it was done, here's the story of a campaign actually built from the bottom-up. It'll be hard to quantify the actual effect of the Obama ground game on the election, especially with the large monetary advantage, but I think it's safe to say he probably wouldn't have gotten out of the primaries without it.

The National Journal takes a comprehensive look at the historical demographics of the swing voter according to exit polls. Pretty interesting read.

Not sure this requires much explanation.

President Arauz
Mike has a new blog design, and a couple interesting posts about what engagement means, for the election and otherwise..