A Quick Trip Down the Long Tail v.2

Slow Strategy

Never one to be cowed by popular opinion, Russell Davies argues to keep it slow when it comes to strategy. Or at least be able to recognize when to be slow and when to be fast.

"I'd argue that strategy should be a slow, evolving, socialised, collaborative, gradualist process. It should grow out of business decisions, the purpose, the values, the conversations of an organisation. Warren Buffett should be your strategy role-model. Tactics might be the place where speed is valuable."

Social Media and the Tech Entrenpreneur

Featuring CK, Alan Wolk, Paul Soldera, David Berkowitz. How could you not learn something?

How to Wireframe


CPJ gives some good wireframing tips, this video in regards to Obamabaton.com (which I'll have more on later).

Brands and Subliminal Effects on Behavior

This from Scott Goodson's fantastic new blog on cultural movements. 

"This month, Speedo starts filling preorders for the $550 consumer version of its LZR Racer suits worn by Michael Phelps and other world-class swimmers. Promoted as a design breakthrough and worn by the most victorious Olympian in history, it offers a potent blend of functional promise and emotional aspiration. But what about Phelps’s warm-up parka? Never intended for the retail market, the white hooded garment was rushed into production in response to consumer demand, and Speedo USA has already sold thousands of them, at $175 apiece. Surely nobody believes that simply wrapping yourself in the Speedo-Phelps aura has any impact on swim performance, right? Well, whether anybody believes it or not, recent research implies that it might."

6 New Directors that are Making Music Video Cool Again