A Short Trip Down the Long Tail

Absolutely killer graphs of the US based on geography of neurotic-ism, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness. Very cool. (via)

The Social Web Delivers the Porn Industry a Blow 

"There are some patterns to our Internet use that we tend to repeat very specifically and predictably, from diet searches, to prom dresses, to what we do around the holidays," Tancer told Reuters in a telephone interview.

Tancer, general manager of global research at Hitwise, an Internet tracking company, said one of the major shifts in Internet use in the past decade had been the fall off in interest in pornography or adult entertainment sites.

He said surfing for porn had dropped to about 10 percent of searches from 20 percent a decade ago, and the hottest Internet searches now are for social networking sites.

Newcastle Listens

A friend of mind recently made the leap from MySpace blogger to a Blogger blogger. Apparently the tasty Newcastle was paying attention.

Nader Gets Creepy. Well, creepier.


As if we don't have an odd enough race to this point, we can always count on Nader to make it a little more so. This time by whining about media coverage to a parrot. Unfortunately, the parrot was voting for Barack Obama.

Blog Like A Pirate Day.

Friday is blog like a pirate day. Arrrgggghh. 

Beware of Ninja Cat.


David Armano Feeds My Presentations.

A big thanks to David for placing all those killer graphics on one easy-to-use flickr page. Makes me look smarter.

Account Planning School of the Web...

...makes a triumphant return. Prepare to get schooled, people.