Another Bout of Link Love

24obamanomicst_ca0650A Free-market Loving, Big Spending, Fiscally Conservative, Wealth Redistributionist.
With all the politics flying around lately, it's probably a good idea to read this article about Obama's economic worldview. It's long, but about the best description I've seen so far.

Back with theWB
Continuing in the Hulu tradition of both moving professional content to the web and innovating past YouTube, The WB launched their own show portal to compete, but also added some nice perks like a video search that allows you to search for text within a show, not just show names, and a show remixer with embedded Adobe Premier Express. Pretty cool stuff. Now if only I watched the Gilmore Girls....


Information and Knowledge
Over at Chroma, Dino is talking about how the way in which we interact with information is changing, and the importance of tacit knowledge to understanding.

"Presence applications and formats that capture "snippets" of thoughts, data or information are generating streams of data about us and the world, and the process of assimilating that flow of information is also resulting in interesting new forms of "knowledge" that don't really have anything to do with reading books. It's pretty fascinating to me how knowledge and emotion emerge as a result of patterns in presence media and the flow of information, and how the network is the infrastructure for this. One of the most radical implications here is the notion that in a web of flow, information and knowledge finds us, rather than the other way around."

Sex and the Olympics

Great article about how the massive amounts of testosterone (in both the men and the women) equals a whole lot of shagging in the Olympic Village.

"There is a famous story from Seoul in 1988 that there were so many used condoms on the roof terrace of the British team's residential block the night after the swimming concluded that the British Olympic Association sent out an edict banning outdoor sex. Here in Beijing, organisers have realised that such prohibitions are about as useful as banning breathing and have, instead, handed out thousands of free condoms to the athletes."

The Functional Collective Conscious
Mike Aruz discusses his theory of the functional collective conscious with a real word example, in regards particularly to a global game called I Love Bees. The notion plays well with transmedia planning, another mode of planning that seems to be gaining more and more steam.