The Cycle of iPhone

Apple announces cheaper 3G iPhone

Image by Daniel Voyager from TSL via Flickr

And the iPhone cycle of advertising continues down the same masturbatory path.

Step 1: Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god, Mankind will never be the same. This won't only be a cool phone that let's you do some cool stuff, but it will change your life forever! It'll probably save lives, too! If you thought you were cool before, you weren't! Because you didn't have an iPhone!

Step 2: Back to being good ol' Apple. Not self congratulatory. Not over the top. Just, "hey, we've got some cool stuff you'll probably like."

Step 3G: Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god Oh my god, you thought the original iPhone turned men into gods and gods into something even cooler, something that never existed before and you can't even talk about. The only thing almost as cool as the iPhone 3G was the iPhone, and that thing is an obsolete piece of shit you sucker! You won't even believe how amazing we are. In fact, praise us. If you don't get down on your loser knees and kiss my sweet, flush headphone jack then you can't even have one, loser!

Jeez, I'm ready to just get on with the good advertising. Let's all keep in mind that the coolest guy in the room probably isn't the one shouting about how cool he is. But I have faith, they'll be back to the good stuff by July.

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