The Making of Honda SkyDive

UPDATE: Honda's "Difficult is Worth Doing" ad will air during a live 3 minute spot tonight in the UK. YouTube will be here shortly thereafter. More here.

UPDATE 2: Looks like everything went as planned. Spot here.


To piggyback the discussion on attention over traditional brand messaging, another unbranded advertising effort has been released by W+K London, though the first I've seen running on television. WK is essentially working to bring to the forefront the built in behind-the-scenes hype that's been created not only by their very own Honda Cogs and Choir ads, but others like Fallon's Bravia series.

The ads simply send viewers to, a blog housing the materials for the upcoming skydive spot. It's not tough to figure out the natural connections between the brand and the way the sport is presented, but it's still a pretty big leap of faith, or leap of cash, that enough eyeballs or media coverage will be generated to create a connection between the spots and the car. Especially when you consider that you won't find a single car in any of the videos.

Take a look and let me know what you think. I'm a little torn here, although I suspect much of this will be crystallized when we actually see the spots released. Something tells me this very soft sell in the lead up will probably do much of what Bravia balls did for Bravia paint. Anytime you can successfully make an ad appointment viewing, the team probably deserves a round of high fives.

And Cam, I know I owe you a media report. I'm working on it!