More More More Ads for the ABC Player

Cs_abc2I've mentioned this inevitable end for online network television viewing a couple times, but it seems those advertising gluttons just couldn't resist another minute. Remember those nice one-ad breaks during your favorite prime-time television shows like Lost and well, Lost? They've heard we liked 'em so much that they'd add another.

Albert Cheng, executive vice president at Disney-ABC Television told The Reporter:

It would be premature for us to say people only want one ad. It’s a likely sort of thinking, but we want to push it a little bit to see how it would go.

Did he just say that we WANT one ad? No, we tolerate one ad. And rightfully so. We all understand that ABC has to pay the bills, but you'd hope not at the expense of something that's working for them (and us). Or maybe they'll just make a Dancing with the Stars spin-off. Like Dancing with the Stars on Ice. That'll make up the lost income from all of us spending our time with Hulu, or NBC, or YouTube, or Revision3, or whatever of thousands of shows all across the web rather than wasting our time with longer ad breaks.


via NewTeeVee