What is an Encyclopedia?

On this day in 1616, the author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, died. How do I know?

For all you bloggers out there, Encyclopedia Britannica just pulled the very cool move of opening up their content to all the content providers, or web publishers, out there. It's a qualification that's a little difficult to prove, I think (does a myspace blog count?), but I'd being willing to bet they won't be in the business of pissing off those that straddle the "acceptable" line.

The Encyclopedia Webshare program allows access to all the articles that usually go for the price of $70 per year, or $1400 bucks for the hardbacks. No small price. And if there's anything you'd like to share with your readers, they'll throw those articles in, too. They might even throw in a widget for good measure.

Kudos Britannica. Very cool stuff.
