Tune In Saturdays: Elephant Parade

ElephantparadeBrooklyn's Elephant Parade is a slowly-building, quiet two-piece. They're full of pretty little pop songs that would make themselves comfortable in Juno 2, or perhaps some Wes Anderson joint. I just love the simplicity of a couple folks seemingly singing to themselves in the both literally and figuratively named debut album, Bedroom Recordings.

From Culture Warrior:

Brooklyn loves its girl-boy power indie pop duos. If Matt & Kim are in the high-energy end of the spectrum, Elephant Parade is most definitely on the lo-fi end. Gracing us with soft guitar and strikingly fragile vocals, to say that Estelle, from Gainsville, FL. and Ido, from Israel, are minimalist musicians is an understatement

Not unlike artists like Jana Hunter, Elephant Parade’s arrangements and vocalization sometimes emote more than the actual lyrics or instrumental ability (and they’re obviously a talented twosome). Adding their guitar and piano, the songs left me with an incredibly earnest sense of loneliness and sadness. (I’ve recovered since.)


Elephant Parade - Riding in Your Car (mp3)
Elephant Parade - Goodbye (video)