Obama in Dallas

Although I can hate me some politicians with the best of 'em, I find politics to be one of those fascinating subjects I can still talk endlessly about. Unfortunately, being a Texan, I haven't really gotten to see the presidential process happen in a meaningful way. The race is generally long decided in the primaries and the state too deeply red to go blue in the general. But not this year.

And as such, I got to see the frantic, absurdly exciting scene when a candidate in one of our most historic elections came to Dallas yesterday. I caught some moments on my little flip video and I thought some of you may be interested.

It is a truly moving moment when a black man and a woman are vying to end the old, white man punchline of the American Presidency. At a time when our standing in the world is so obviously diminished, it looks like the American people are coming through. Or we just got lucky enough to have a person with the enviable ability to unify and energize.

You'll see video of the walk five floors up the parking garage to the end of a line that wrapped around for miles, people screaming and doing the wave as if Barack just happened to pass through in the middle of a Mavericks game in the late 80's, the introduction by Emmitt Smith and then Obama himself delivering his speech, although one I've heard mostly before (even if it was given without a prompter). But it had new meaning with the 17,000 screaming "fans" in attendance, not including the thousands more the fire marshal shut out of the building.

I don't want to drone on here, but it did have that intense feeling of something I'll still be talking about 30 years down the line. It's not just a matter of the man, but what he represents. I must say, it feels good to be for something in a time when it'd be so much easier to just be against someone else.

Sorry to get all political, just thought you guys may be interested.