Tune In Saturdays: Moonrats

MoonratsThis week we've got LA by way of Seattle band, the Moonrats, led by Nathan Thelen, the former guitarist for Pretty Girls Make Graves. The band sounds somewhat how you'd expect, a very Seattle-y, tightly-crafted emo-ish, poppy-ish, grungy-ish fun band to listen to. I know, I know, lot's of ishes, but that's how it goes, I guess.

From their management's website:

"Featuring vocal performances by all three members, this early document reveals a multi-layered sonic depth that, for all its murky haze, reveals a vastness and breadth of vision emerging over a horizon much broader than what most bands will see in a lifetime. In this light it becomes clear that unlike many of their peers who sound like they’ve been spending every waking hour shopping for tight pants and grooming their ironic hipster moustaches, Moon Rats have been staying up late crafting music with substance."

How's that for a bout of puffery? Good stuff, though.


Moonrats - FLM (mp3)
Moonrats - Sweet Thing (mp3)