
Dude...I love these spots. I get bored with Bud's reliance on the idiot male bachelor who can only crack jokes and ogle fake cheerleaders or whatever. Finally, a man in his element, doing as we do, saying everything without really saying much at all. Bud had to eventually make a spot for the Arrested Development viewer, and here it is. Makes me smile and rewind, every time.

And it brings up something that's been on my mind of late. Is the internet an engagement medium? An interactive medium? Or are all mediums that, but the internet just forced us to put up or shut up? I'm not sure that a medium can be any either of those things, but the applications of that medium are what makes it interactive or engaging. The problem with television isn't the fact that it's on tv, it's the people who put the stuff on there who got lazy, greedy and boring. Why blame Sony or shitty Time Warner for that? Trust me, they have enough problems.