Tune In Saturdays: Peter Von Poehl

PetervonpoehlLooks like our friends over at Bella Union have hit on another singer-songwriter, crooner type. This time it's Peter Von Poehl, swedish by origin, now residing in Berlin, and with a website written in French because of some random spins on a French radio station that turned him into an instant smash. It's minimalist in nature, sounds a bit like Air in their quieter moments,  and has a tinge of tune in alumni Lonely, Dear. Fantastic stuff.

From Drowned in Sound:

Going To Where The Tea Trees Are won’t give you an energy boost, but it might just smooth away the worry lines. In Peter von Poehl’s world, everything feels under control, measured and purposeful. There is plenty of room to breathe. How you react to this record is, therefore, rather dependent on your mood, because such restraint is deeply frustrating and alien when life is slipping out of your grasp and you want to smash things with hammers. It’s too twee; too perfect.

But if you let it, if you let go, this album will blow away the cobwebs like a spring breeze, taking you far away from grimy streets and council tax bills.


Peter Von Poehl - Going Where the Tea-Trees Are (video)

Peter Von Poehl - The Story of the Impossible (video)