Tune In Saturdays: The 1900s

The1900sStraight from the internet buzz bin, here's the 1900s, a sort of Austin-sounding septet from the land of Armano, deep dish pizza and Ditka. It's a mish-mash of fairly straight forward pianos and strings, sounding like a cross between a folksy Spoon and tune-in Alums Camera Obscura.

From Pitchfork:

A collection of what? Ceramic chickens? Snowglobes of the 50 states? Souvenirs of their victims? Twee-pop on vinyl? The 1900s-- who shouldn't be confused with the 1990s or MC 900 Foot Jesus-- most likely have the latter: The Chicago septet apparently sprung fully-formed from the womb of the local psych-pop scene, releasing an EP before playing their first show and then getting signed on the basis of that show. "Everybody's Got a Collection", an outtake from their upcoming full-length, Cold & Kind, is a swirling synthesis of graceful strings, folk-pop guitars, tinkling pianos, and cooed backing harmonies. Underneath that candy shell, however, is a bittersweet chocolate center: "Let's not pretend that I'll drop everything for you," Edward Anderson sings, not as a coldhearted kiss-off but as a statement of supremely realistic expectations.

No videos yet, but hopefully we'll see one soon.


The 1900s  - Everybody's Got a Collection (mp3)
The 1900s - When I Say Go (mp3)