Tune In Saturdays: Man Man

ManmanOn another working weekend, but at least I've got the music of Man Man to keep me company. Their one line description on Wikipedia does about as good of a job describing the wild ass style of music that this band plays as anything else. "Man Man is a playfully exuberant United States Viking-vaudeville punk-wop rock-and-soul collective from Philadelphia."

Viking-vaudeville punk-wop rock-and-soul collective? Sure, why not.

From Dusted Magazine:

"None of this description really does justice to the three-ring cabaret circus clowning that is really at the core of everything Man Man does. Each moment of each song is completely unpredictable, to the point where even after multiple listens some of these transitions still seem to come out of nowhere. To call it art-rock excess, though, is to miss the point. Man Man isn’t merely a concept (unlike, say, Need New Body or other likeminded weirdos), and once one gets past the convolution and surrealism and the occasional sense of whiplash, a strange yet appealing vision of the world emerges: the ultimate playground for the caffeine-laden mind."

Be prepared before you listen. My previous "wild ass" statement was probably more understatement. It might knock you a bit of kilter.


Man Man - I, Manface (mp3)
Man Man - Van Helsing Boombox (mp3)

Man Man - 10 lb. Mustache (video)