Top 5 British Ad Blogs

BritishflagFirst, I must apologize. My posting around here has been too few and too far between. Just like my commenting, and behind the scenes conversations. Trust me, I miss you guys, and I'm still keeping up as much as I can. But, as it happens when the times are good, work is kicking my ass. In a good way, of course. We'll have some good stuff to chat about, I promise.

But, since I don't have time for a more verbose post, I thought I'd point out the amount of brilliance coming from our British friends. Seriously fun, interesting reads all the time. So, with all the top this's and that's based on technical stuff, I thought I'd just give you my top 5 british ad folks I like reading. More art than science, surely, but that's the way it goes...

1. Adiliterate
2. Talent Imitates, Genious Steals
3. Northern Planner
4. Scamp
5. Russell Davies - and you get five because you've backed away so much. Come back, man.