This Week in Stuff

I had some lunch with superstar blogger Cam Beck today. He brought up my lack of posting in recent weeks. So, now fully shamed, here I am, begging forgiveness, and posting again. But, I'm still a bit wrecked at work, so I'm hoping to kick it back into gear next week. For now, here's this week in stuff.

Clowncologo We all remember ClownCo, the joint venture and "youtube killer" from NBC and Fox's NewsCorp. They've announced 100 million dollars in venture capital from Providence Equity Partners for a 10% stake in the company. For the math-challenged, that's a ONE BILLION FUCKING DOLLAR VALUATION ON A COMPANY THAT DOESN'T EXIST! Or, at least one without a name, a website, a strategy, or much of a chance to survive. By the time they actually launch, we'll be watching holographic video or something. Or maybe going outside will be cool again.

And, since all they've only proven the ability to manufacture money, NBC Universal decided to go ahead and bore us to death with, ""the go-to destination for on-demand advertising content." Of course, they'll be social networking features and whatnot. And the audience will yawn through another me too product from a me too company.

And yes, CGC commercial contests are probably dead. But this ad with no chance of winning the Heinz Top This TV challenge is a giggle, and deserves some sort of consolation prize. If you're at work, I recommend you turn your speakers way up, call your boss into your office, and enjoy the laughter together. Hee Haw Marketing takes no responsibility for any ensuing harassment lawsuits or lost jobs.

Shoot_day_128 And last, the bunnies are coming.  The bunnies are coming. Hell yes, the bunnies are coming. Two of my favorite spots of all time are bravia's balls and paint. On Monday, they shot the latest in the series in the big NYC. The spot is called "Clay" and somehow involves a shitload of carved playdoh bunnies. Can't wait to see what they do with them. All I can say, I'm gonna be pissed if it involves CGI. Faris got some cool shots, too.

That's this week's this week in stuff. You can tune in to next week's this week if there is a this week next week. Do it.