Tune In Saturdays: Orba Squara

OrbasquaraI feel slightly dirty finding a tune in feature from a television commercial, even if this is a marketing blog of sorts. But, considering it was at least on a commercial for an apple product, I feel a little better, even as i type this out on my shitty dell.

I couldn't really find too much information about Orba Squara on the interwebs, besides the fact that a friend of a friend of this guy who has a friend that works for Apple got them a starring role in the iphone spot. And that's rather unfortunate. It's a safe bet that you'll see more folks writing about them fairly soon. Their debut album, Sunshyness, is so organically rich, I can't get enough. No overplaying, just simple acoustics, some hits and tats and whatnot. They seem quite similar to past tune in feature Page France, or maybe a more acoustic-y Deathcab, or Sufjan Stevens. Good stuff, though. I give them four high fives.


Orba Squara - My Favorite Song

iPhone ad, featuring Perfect Timing by Orba Squara