one year later...

"Hello, there, folks

Well, I've moved, and forgive me all none of you reading this while I settle in. 

I'll be discussing my marketing philosophies, probably some music, and whatever other bullshit I feel like.  If you happen to stumble by before I really get this going, go here and listen to the new Midlake.  Highly recommended, and local (to me, anyway)."

1year2 And, it's true, back then no one was reading. But, exactly one year, 230 posts, 1469 comments, 5 dallas marketing zoos, 8 madison avenue journal articles, 4 likeminds, 50 Tune Ins, a couple coffee mornings, a slew of beyond madison avenue posts, a couple videocasts, more fucks and shits than you can shake a stick at, and a shitload of good conversation later...

Well, I guess I'll just leave it open-ended. It's sort of the nature of this thing, I think. I never would have stuck around without you guys continually prodding, pushing and keeping me thinking, so thanks for everything. You guys are the best. Smooches!

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