Tune In Saturdays: The Clientele

I've been sort of switching back and forth between new croonerism and Beatles pop in the past few weeks, so why should today be any different? The Clientele have the harmonies of sixties pop with a sort of calmness that you might expect from the Sea and Cake. No fist pumping or jumping around or anything, but it's damn good music to daydream to.

From popmatters:

"And yes, it’s clear Lennon and McCartney’s benevolent gaze is all over the album; it comes with the territory. The Clientele doesn’t mind, and neither should we: the consonant major tonicities and orchestral interludes still sing to us with the same sweet voice. The album comes out of the gate strong (and positive) with “Here Comes the Phantom”, a sweet, tweed-jackets-tea-and-scones type track. It’s all lovely and totally pleasant, and even reserved, as if the swung rhythms are straining to be straight, to be classical even."


The Clientele - Bookshop Casanova (mp3)
The Clientele - Isn't Life Strange (mp3)

The Clientele - Reflections after Jane (video)

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-9OZzTpbUY]