Tune In Saturdays: Annuals

AnnualsWell, this week was a tough one. I couldn't really find anybody I wanted to share that much, so I'm going with a bit of a give up.  The Annuals are playing here with Blonde Redhead in a couple weeks, so the Annuals it is. Don't get me wrong, they make some amazing stuff. Especially coming from a bunch of kids who can't even get into a bar, yet.

But there's an element of hit or miss, sometimes even within the same song. It's as if they couldn't really decide what kind of band they wanted to be, so they just became lots of bands. I guess that's what happens when the youngins are at the helm.

But, still check 'em out. The highs can get super, super high, so it'll be interesting to see what kind of concoctions come from this band as they continue to mature.

Annuals - Dry Clothes (mp3)
Annuals - Bleary-Eyed (mp3)
